Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lakers in 5!

I know it isn't a bold prediction as many "experts" are saying similar things but that's the prediction. Let me be so bold as to guess er... predict the scores.
Lakers 98 Celtics 89 - Game 1 Lakers 88 Celtics 98 (got the wrong sides)
Lakers 85 Celtics 91 - Game 2 Lakers 102 Celtics 108 (NBA wants 7 games from the series. I saw the memo)
Lakers 111 Celtics 92 - Game 3 Lakers Win - whoopdidoo
Lakers 107 Celtics 84 - Game 4 Lakers choke -
Lakers 89 Celtics 87 - Game 5 Lakers win - NBA needed at least 1 more

Congrats to Celtics - the Better Team. My wrong prediction!!! no suprise I am wrong.