Thursday, February 26, 2009

March Madness

It's almost that most wonderful of times when brackets are king and bandwidth is wasted; yes, the NCAA Tournament (basketball of course) is almost upon us. With that comes the right/ritual of filling out your bracket and competing with others for braggin rights...some for money I hear. If you want to join our bragging rights competition either leave a message here with an email I can send an invitation or send me an email.

Also, this link will help you keep up on all the action and the action you want to watch . It is great and I have used this service for the past few years to keep up on what's happening.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Book Club and Books

So our book club has been in existence for 1 month. We even talked about the book for about 45 Min. in our virtual meeting space. I had fun reading the book and then talking about it. I have decided (for my own recollections) to list the books I have read this year and a rating of the book. I am trying to read the book from our book club and then when done read one of the books Ty is reading. Jan = success. We will see how the year progresses.