Wednesday, January 30, 2008

President Hinkley

Though this is an odd place to put this, considering the below posts are quite ridiculous in the scheme of life, I still want to. The above links are tributes to President Hinkley, from the President to other political figures. I thought a lot about this and have come to the conclusion I cannot pay a good enough tribute to President Hinkley's life unless I do the only thing I know: which is to bear testimony.

I know President Hinkley was called as prophet and apostle when he was so that he would be President of the Church during this time. I know that the process of selecting prophets and apostles is done by the Savior through his servants here. I know that the flawless system works and that the keys to the church are currently held by the apostles, as a whole, until the new President is ordained. The comfort that comes from this is real and, like the previously mentioned testimony, is made evident by the spirit. While President Hinkley will be missed by many I know that the church is still led by the Savior and his servants will do what they need to do to make sure the gospel is spread to all! I am grateful for this.


Zachary Bird said...


Kate said...

Thanks for sharing. I agree and am so glad I have been able to learn from Pres. Hinckley and see him in action through all his wonderful work he has done.