Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tech Obsession

I try to resist but like "Syler" from Heroes, I have "the Hunger". If you don't watch Heroes, get season 1 on DVD then Season 2 (because we all know watching 1 first then 2 is the way to go... haha) and enjoy this Geeky superhero movie (Michelle's opinion doesn't count on this issue). Anyway, the hunger or feeling of getting new tech toys.

I have lately been really wanting an X-Box 360 and with the Rat Story it made the itch go more. But, in conference it was reiterated for the 9,000th time to be financially smart. So buying an xbox 360 for catching a mouse is not what most of the sane world would consider smart. So, with that and, more importantly, Michelle saying that we should wait till Christmas sales and do a Christmas gift I will resist of spending foolishly...for now (see Syler from Heroes).

Speaking of Heroes here is my TV wasting time log for 2008 (The below is from last year and not a lot has changed. Shows in italics are forgotten from last year or new to this year:

Office - NBC
My Name is Earl - NBC
30 Rock - NBC
Psych - USA - Hilarious - run new episodes in Januaryish and Juneish
Monk - USA - same as above
Scrubs - NBC (update - last season was the last :(. ) Ultra update (WILL BE ON ABC THIS YEAR!!) dumb nbc didn't want it back
Simpsons (I don't get to watch much but always great!) - FOX
Biggest Loser --- :-) - NBC - (Update - for some reason I cannot stand this show anymore)
Don't Forget the Lyrics - FOX - where else can I put this?

Action / cop drama / ??
Life - NBC -- (update, quickly becoming one of my favorites)
Heroes - NBC
In Plain Sight - USA
Biggest Loser :-) - NBC - (update - see above)
24 - FOX (update - coming in November?? odd, haven't read up on why)
Chuck - NBC

Lost - ABC
Biggest Loser - NBC - (update - see above)
Amazing Race - CBS - Not sure where to put this either, but love it.
Shark - CBS (really just a fluff show but fun sometimes) -- update CANCELLED

Show / Shows I think would be good or sound good
Pushing Daisies - ABC
The Unit - CBS
Jailbreak or whatever - FOX - Mckay loves it I can't remember the name

Cold Case - CBS
Criminal Minds
Ugly Betty (not a fav but a show Michelle and I can watch together)
Without a Trace

Not sure yet shows
Bionic Woman - NBC - update CANCELLED

Shows to avoid like the plague
Deal or No Deal
Bachelor - ABC
Desperate Housewives - ABC
Private Practice - ABC
Cavemen - ABC -- update Cancelled
Any other comedy other than well...any comedy on CBS
Any other Drama on ABC

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I have to say that the only show I don't want to miss each week is LIFE! I love that show. There are others I watch occasionally. I also like NCIS, but I've missed it the passed few weeks due to my photo class, but I'm sure I'll catch up with the reruns. I still need to catch up on 24 before this season...if Mom & Dad would get in gear & finish the last season!