Wednesday, September 19, 2007

9/19 previous week of sports or whatever

Donovan McNabb did an interview with James Washington before the season and it aired last Sunday. I have liked McNabb since he joined the Eagles and appreciated that he is a good example as well as an athlete. I was disappointed to hear that he is saying black quarterbacks get more pressure / scrutiny than white. I just don't like the race issue being used constantly but it reveals a bigger problem in the world that becomes increasingly prevelant; that is, not taking responsibility.

Even in my own job I have thoughts that blame others and I have to remind myself that I have control over more of my life than I tend to acknowledge a lot of the time. If I have a bad day I tend to have a reason or reasons why I have that bad day but it usually has nothing to do with myself. When I can constructively look at it I see that I allowed events to change how I felt. That is disturbing and something I am working on but am not that successful.

Bringing this back to McNabb, he gets critisism and it's getting worse as he is playing when he isn't really ready (although they would rip him for not coming back if he was still rehabing). Previous critisism seemed normal for the QB position. I can get why he can have thoughts that there is more pressure being a black quarterback, but like myself, if we take the time to evaluate and see what role we have we don't have to fall victim to the poor me feeling.

It's horrible to be critisized and I don't know anyone that likes it. His critisism comes with more force as he makes a lot of money and is in the public spotlight. So, I guess I am more dissapointed with the fact that he aired these grevances instead of taking the harsh treatment and show he is above it.

Without re-reading this blog I am sure I left a lot of holes and unexplained logic but, you can comment and critisize me. It's going to be true so I will be ok.


McKay and Rachel said...

I agree with your points on this. I disagree with what McNabb is saying and I think he is falling victim to pressure. He has always been above this stuff and I wish he would have stayed that way. Everyone wants an excuse in life and the entitlement issues in our society are way out of control.

Amy said...

Hey Zack-- I love all your sports analysis! I've enjoyed reading your blog. it's been fun to waste my time here. I'm really good at that.
michelle's cousin Amy