Wednesday, November 7, 2007

NBC Green Week

Drafting off of the waste of time / my favorite tv shows, NBC is jamming "Green Week" onto each of their shows. I thought this to be ridiculous but thought the shows would go off without a hitch. Well, it's Wednesday and already this environmental propoganda is causing brain impulses that bring on irritation or something of the like.

Last night on my favorite comedy, drama, action, and love story, Biggest Loser, they incorporated "Green" into everything they said. "I always have my team eat organic and it saves money because it is local and doesn't have to be shipped." Well, since this is the first time I heard this from a trainer I had to wonder if she did but I am assuming she did. The other thing is that Organic Food is usually more expensive as the grower does not use products that help their food grow so they have to offset the lack of production somehow. All of the contestants were all of a sudden worried about the environment as well and included this worry in their little one on one interviews. Of course they never changed the fact they drink bottled water instead of drinking from the tap. All that plastic from the bottled water; all of the equipment and electricity used to filter the tap water to put in plastic bottles; all of the man power used to run the equipment and they drove their cars to work. Do these things not hurt the environment.

Oh, and on Sunday Night Football they cut their light usage down and had candles. This was one of the lamest stunts pulled. Hopefully NBC can get a Peace Prize for their work on the environment. . . Of course next week the 3 sets they have will be fully lit. I guess it's ok for them but we, as regular people, have to save the world. Maybe Al Gore and the CEO of GE/NBC can take private jets to my house and show me how to be Greeeeeeeeeeen.

I know this will continue through the week and one of my favorite shows, 30 Rock will have Schwimmer as some Eco-Superhero and Al Gore making a suprise visit and being "funny". I am all for cutting waste as no one wants to live next to a landfill and I understand not hurting what God has created but this corporate push to be green is only a push to produce GREEEN...Dollar Green.

I did forget one thing, if TV says it's true: it's true!


McKay and Rachel said...

This is hilarious Zack. Amen!

Garrett said...

I wouldn't know where to start with criticizing such a retarded idea. But when I think of it, we are talking about the network that has Bob Costas, Alec Baldwin, and the most hard to listen to person alive... Keith Oldberman. If Al Gore is peace prize worthy, then Michael Scott is Survivor Man.

Kate said...

I was thinking all the same things as I watched the biggest loser that week. They even gave away green cars... wow!

Alisa said...