Friday, March 14, 2008

Games 2&3

I realize that if I had 1 dream job it would be coaching. However, that dream is just that, as I have a goal of a strong, close, and loving family. Coaching would take me away too much, in my opinion, to accomplish this goal. So, I take solace in the coaching I get to do with Ty and, if possible; will continue with it and if the girls are in sports and they need a coach and I can, I will. (what a garbled wierd sentence I don't want to fix) I take an immense satisfaction seeing these boys succeed at different levels. A boy that struggles hitting getting his first hit is a joy. A boy that is good having a great game is rewarding. Seeing boys I had last year doing better this year is great. So I will take this until they come up with a season of something that takes place between 7am and 6pm M-F. :-)

Game 2: 9 - 1
Not a lot of hitting but we took advantage of our walks and our aggressive base running to win. We have good pitching that throws strikes and fielders that are doing a good job. Still, much improvement is needed

Ty was 0-2 with a walk and 2k's and scored a run. He is an excellent catcher and threw 2 runners out at 3rd.

Game 3: 11-6
Much better hitting and some boys that haven't hit this year, so far, got some hits. Our pitching was excellent. The other team had 1 hitter that hit the ball over the left fielder's head 2 times collecting 5 RBI in the process. Other than that, great job!

Ty was 1-2 with a walk and 2 runs scored. He caught all 5 innings (there is scheduled 6 but time limit gets us before that) and has caught 13 of the 15 innings we have played. Saturday (March 15) I will have him play other positions and give our 2 other catchers some work.


MEB said...

Thanks for the updates. I am sure the boys all love you.

Shelly said...

Congrats on the wins! Maybe one day I'll be able to make it to one of Ty's games.

Kate said...

Sounds like a good season so far. I am sure you are a great coach! I can just see Ty loving the action behind the plate! :)

Hizzeather said...

Hey! Remember me? :) I found your blog by blog-hopping...Josh Carr to Jenn Carr to Shelley to your family blog to here. When I saw the link to 'Zack's Opinion' I thought, "Sweet! I can hear all about how we should get rid of pennies!" :) I miss those rants.